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Machine Readable File Resources

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4 Ways Self-Funded Health Plans Benefit Companies of All Sizes

White Paper

This white paper from HCAA explores the benefits and advantages of working with TPAs and using self-funded health plans.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Self-Funded Health Plans, Third Party Administrator

Adoption Assistance Flexible Spending Account (FSA) FAQ


When are funds for my adoption assistance FSA available? What expenses qualify and what can I expect with tax savings? Get answers to all these questions and more in our adoption assistance FSA FAQ.

For: Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: Adoption, FSA

AHealthcareZ Videos

Podcast, Video

Visit ahealthcarez.com for more than 300 health care finance videos from Dr. Eric Bricker, an internal medicine physician and former Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Compass Professional Health Services.

For: Brokers, Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: Reference-Based Pricing, Self-Funded Health Plans, Stop Loss Insurance

All About the TrueCost ID Card


Watch this video to learn how to use and identify important information on your TrueCost ID card.

For: Brokers, Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: Reference-Based Pricing, Self-Funded Health Plans, TrueCost

An Introduction to Self Funding: What, Who, How

Article, FAQ

Learn what self-funding is, who uses it, and how self-funded plans are regulated in this article from selffundingsuccess.com.

For: Brokers, Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: Self-Funded Health Plans

ASOs, TPAs, and Burgers


Comparing the difference between ASO and TPA can be similar to comparing a mass produced chain burger with a specialty burger restaurant. While they appear to function in a similar fashion, there's a whole lot more to them once you look beyond the bun.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Self-Funded Health Plans, Third Party Administrator

Balance Bill Safeguard


Ensure balance bills are contained and payments are capped with Balance Bill Safeguard.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Balance Bill

Case Study: Springfield Township

Case Study

Learn how Custom Design Benefits made it easy for Springfield Township to move from fully insured health care benefits to a self-funded plan.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Self-Funded Health Plans

Case Study: Holland Roofing Group

Case Study

Learn how Custom Design Benefits helped procure a benefits plan that was endorsed by employees and saved Holland Roofing 47% on benefits costs.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Reference-Based Pricing, Self-Funded Health Plans, TrueCost

Case Study: Nisbet Brower

Case Study

Find out how a building materials supplier helped improve employee recruitment using Custom Design Benefits’ reference-based pricing plan.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Reference-Based Pricing, Self-Funded Health Plans, TrueCost

Case Study: Towne Properties

Case Study

Using self-funded insurance and a specialty drug program, Custom Design Benefits helped one company save $100,000 in four months.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Medications, Reference-Based Pricing, Self-Funded Health Plans, Specialty Drugs, TrueCost, TrueCost Rx

COBRA Administration


Avoid compliance pitfalls with COBRA administration by Custom Design Benefits.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: COBRA

Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) FAQ


How much can I contribute to a dependent care FSA? When are funds available and what documentation do I need to submit a claim? Get answers to all these questions and more in our dependent care FSA FAQ.

For: Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: Dependent Care, FSA

Direct Deposit Authorization for Flexible Spending/Health Reimbursement Accounts Form


Download the form to authorize a direct deposit for an FSA or Health Reimbursement account.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: FSA, HRA

Discover the Advantages of Reference-Based Pricing


Watch this video to better understand how reference-based pricing works and how it can help employers save more than traditional network-based pricing.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Reference-Based Pricing, Self-Funded Health Plans

Discover the Benefits of Self-Funded Insurance


Watch this video to learn the reasons why more than 2/3 of employers choose self-funded insurance over traditional insurance options.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Self-Funded Health Plans

Does My Organization Need FMLA Administration?


Answer these 10 questions to find out if your organization could benefit from a Third Party FMLA Administrator.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: FMLA

Don’t Let Insurance Carriers Get Between You & Your Provider


Find out how reference-based pricing plans can give employers access to provider direct contracts to more accurately predict healthcare costs.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Direct Contracting, Reference-Based Pricing, TrueCost

Executive Analytics Brochure


Make better data-driven decisions about your company’s health benefits plan with Executive Analytics from Custom Design Benefits.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Executive Analytics, Reference-Based Pricing, TrueCost

Find a Provider – TrueCost Connect Member Guide

How To

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: TrueCost

Find a Provider – TrueCost Connect Overview

How To

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: TrueCost

Find a Provider – TrueCost Connect Quick Guide

How To

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: TrueCost

Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Claim Form


Download the form to submit a claim.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: FSA

Flexible Spending Account (FSA) FAQ


What’s the benefit of an FSA? What expenses qualify and how do I submit a claim? Get answers to all these questions and more in our FSA FAQ.

For: Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: FSA

Flexible Spending Account Brochure


Learn about FSAs and how you can save $25-40 for every $100 you spend on health care services.

For: Brokers, Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: FSA

FMLA Leave Management Brochure


Learn more about our leave administration tools that help employers improve record-keeping and stay in compliance.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: FMLA

Glossary of Health Coverage and Medical Terms


What’s the difference between in-network coinsurance and in-network copayment? What do the terms specialty drug costs and balance billing mean? Get the definitions to these common health coverage terms and more in our glossary.

For: Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: General Health

HCAA TPA Summit 2021


Part 1 of Wednesday from the HCAA TPA Summit 2021.

For: Brokers, Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: Self-Funded Health Plans

Health Plan Cost Control


Read about five cost levers employers can use to offer improved benefits while keeping costs in check.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Direct Contracting, Population Health, Self-Funded Health Plans, Specialty Drugs, Telemedicine

Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) Claim Form


Download the form to submit a claim.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: HRA

Health Reimbursement Arrangement Accounts Brochure


Custom Design Benefits offers two health reimbursement arrangement options – a qualified small employer HRA and individual coverage HRA.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: HRA, Individual Coverage HRA, Qualified Small Employer HRA

Health Savings Account (HSA) FAQ


What are the advantages of an HSA? How much can I contribute and will my funds roll over each year? Get the answers to these questions and more in our HSA FAQ.

For: Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: HSA

Health Savings Account Brochure


Make health care dollars go further with pre-tax contributions and tax-free growth.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: HSA

HIP Overview for Employees

Brochure, How To

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: HIP, Hybrid Insurance

How CDB Relieves the Healthcare Cost Squeeze


Check out this article featuring Custom Design Benefits’ history as a company and our range of services in Rough Notes magazine.

For: Brokers, Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: Reference-Based Pricing, Self-Funded Health Plans

How Population Health Management Improves Outcomes for Both Employers and Employees


What is Population Health Management and how can it be used to combat the rising cost of health insurance? Read our article to learn more about it.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Population Health

How Reference-Based Pricing Can Future-Proof Benefits


Find out how employers have lowered their pharmacy spend by 20-25% using reference-based pricing in this article from Employee Benefit News.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Medications, Reference-Based Pricing, Specialty Drugs, TrueCost Rx

How to File a FSA Claim

How To

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: FSA, HRA

How to File a HRA Claim

How To

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: HRA

How to Manage Your HSA

How To

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: HSA

How to Register for the Custom Flex Portal


Learn how to register for our custom flex portal.

For: Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Portal

How to Register for the Medical/Dental/Vision Provider Portal


Learn how to register for our member website portal powered by VBA.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: Portal

How to Register for the Member Portal

How To

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: Portal

How to Use Your TrueCost Plan


Watch this video to learn how to find and use a health care provider who accepts the TrueCost Plan.

For: Brokers, Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: Reference-Based Pricing, Self-Funded Health Plans, TrueCost

HSA Transfer Form


Complete this form to initiate a direct transfer of funds from your HSA to Healthcare Bank.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: HSA

Hybrid Insurance Plan


Watch this video to learn how a hybrid insurance plan (HIP) utilizes the best of two plans, fully insured and self-funded insurance, to offset rising premiums and avoid cost-shifting to employees.

For: Brokers, Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: HIP, Hybrid Insurance

Hybrid Insurance Plan (HIP)


A Hybrid Insurance Plan (HIP) provides flexibility and creativity to manage healthcare costs.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: HIP, Hybrid Insurance

Hybrid Insurance Plan (HIP) Claim Form


Download the form to submit a claim.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: HIP, Hybrid Insurance

Hybrid Insurance Plan Brochure


Find out how an insurance plan that combines self-funded insurance and a traditional insurance plan could potentially save employers 25-50%.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Hybrid Insurance, Self-Funded Health Plans

Importance of Defining Company Culture


In this episode of the DH+ INSPIRE podcast, we had the pleasure of enjoying an insightful conversation with Custom Design Benefits CEO and President Julie Mueller. Custom Design Benefits, one of the Midwest’s largest independent, full-service Third Party Administrators of self-funded health benefit plans, has long been dedicated to providing excellent cost containment solutions.

For: Brokers, Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: Self-Funded Health Plans

Individual Coverage HRA Brochure


Learn more about the benefits businesses of all sizes can experience with an individual coverage HRA (ICHRA).

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: HRA, Individual Coverage HRA

Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) FAQ


Custom Design Benefits offers our health care provider partners an automated IVR system to access member information. To learn how to use the system, please read our IVR FAQ.

For: Providers

Product/Service/Topic: Provider Tools

Is Self-Funded Insurance Right for My Business?


Make sure to ask these questions from selffundingsuccess.com before deciding whether to take the next step with a self-funded insurance plan.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Self-Funded Health Plans

Kroger Prescription Plans (KPP) Specialty Alternative Funding


Specialty alternative funding solution provides up to 58% savings on specialty medications.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Medications, Pharmacy, Specialty Drugs, Specialty Medications, Specialty Pharmacy

Level Funding


Experience all the benefits of self-funding with reduced financial risk with a level-funded health plan.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Level Funding, Self-Funded Health Plans

Lifestyle Spending Accounts


Promote healthy habits and overall well-being by creating your fully customizable, post-tax lifestyle spending account.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Lifestyle Spending Account

Limited Flexible Spending Account Brochure


Find out how you can save money on dental and vision care with a Limited Purpose FSA.

For: Brokers, Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: FSA

Limited Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) FAQ


What is the purpose of a limited FSA? What expenses are eligible and what documentation do I need to file a claim? Get the answers to all these questions and more in our limited healthcare FSA FAQ.

For: Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: FSA

Medical Claim Form


Download the form to submit a claim.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: Medical Claim

MoneyPill Vol 2: The Formulary for Success Is an Evidence-Based Preferred Drug List


Learn how evidence-based pharmacy risk management can combat wasteful drugs on formularies to provide safe and effective medications while reducing plan spending in this article from L.G. Hanzel, a pharmacy risk management strategist and RxResults, a joint collaborative with the nationally recognized University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Medications, Pharmacy, Risk Management

NSA Surprise Billing Notice

Notice, Uncategorized

No Surprises Act - Surprise Billing Notice

For: Brokers, Employers, Members, Providers

Product/Service/Topic: Balance Bill, Compliance, Medical Claim

Other Insurance Verification


Download the form and submit to CDB to have your other insurance information updated.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: Other Insurance

Over the Counter Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Eligibility List


Find out what products qualify for tax-free reimbursement.

For: Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: FSA

Patient Defender


What do you do when reasonable efforts fail to resolve a balance bill? You rely on Patient Defender.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Balance Bill

Population Health Management Brochure


Learn more about the benefits of CDB’s population health management services and how you can implement strategies to keep employees healthier.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Population Health

Provider Portal Online Prior Authorization Process


Quickly and easily submit a prior authorization to CDB through the Provider Portal. If you aren't registered for the portal, please call CDB at 800.598.2929 and ask for a registration code.

For: Providers

Product/Service/Topic: Portal, Pre-Certification

Provider Portal Registration Processs


Our secure online provider portal gives you 24/7 access to the information you need to coordinate patient care. Find out how to register with this brochure.

For: Providers

Product/Service/Topic: Portal

Qualified Small Employer HRA Brochure


Learn more about the benefits small businesses with fewer than 500 employees can experience with a qualified small employer (QSEHRA).

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: HRA, Qualified Small Employer HRA

Release of Information Form


Download the form to authorize disclosure of protected health information.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: Release of Information

Removing Waste From Drug Formularies

White Paper

How can the removal of waste from drug formularies help companies and employees achieve savings? Download this guide from the John Hopkins Drug Access and Affordability Initiative, the Pacific Business Group on Health, and Integrity Pharmaceutical Advisors to find out.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Medications, Specialty Drugs

Request for Proposal (RFP) Form


Download this form to request a proposal from Custom Design Benefits to get more details on how our self-funded cost containment strategies can work for you.

For: Brokers

Product/Service/Topic: Request for Proposal

Self-Funding 101


Learn more about the differences between fully-insured and self-funded insurance plans in this informative and entertaining video from the insurance brothers.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Self-Funded Health Plans

Seven Strategies to Manage Prescription Drug Costs


More and more, prescription drug costs encompass a larger share of an employer’s medical spending plan. Prescription drugs accounted for a median of 21 percent of employers’ health care costs in 2021, increasing to 27% in 2023, with more than half of pharmacy spend going to specialty medications.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Medications, Pharmacy, Pre-Certification, Specialty Drugs, Specialty Medications, Specialty Pharmacy, TrueCost Rx

Specialty Drug Alternative Funding with Paydhealth


Access the alternative funding market for specialty medications with Paydhealth.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Pharmacy, Specialty Drugs, Specialty Medications, Specialty Pharmacy

Spending Accounts Change Form


Download the form to submit a change of name, address, status or election amount.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: Spending Amounts

SupportLinc Employee Assistance Program Differentiators


Learn why SupportLinc from CuraLinc is different than other Employee Assistance Programs.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Behavioral Telehealth, Employee Assistance Program, Mental Health Care

SupportLinc Employee Assistance Program Features


Features of SupportLinc Employee Assistance Program from CuraLinc.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Behavioral Telehealth, Employee Assistance Program, Mental Health Care

SupportLinc Employee Assistance Program Overview


Overview of SupportLinc EAP from CuraLinc.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Behavioral Telehealth, Employee Assistance Program, Mental Health Care

Telehealth Services Brochure


Learn more about comprehensive physical and mental wellness programs that employees can access from their phone, computer or mobile device.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Telehealth

The Hidden Cost of Cost Shifting


There’s a better way to combat rising health care costs than using ineffective and outdated cost-shifting strategies.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Reference-Based Pricing, Self-Funded Health Plans, TrueCost

The Many Advantages of a Self-Funded Plan


From minimal rate increases and savings to employee retention and more, self-funded health plans provide many advantages. You can read about each one in this article from selffundingsuccess.com.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Self-Funded Health Plans

The Value of Self-Funding

White Paper

Why do organizations of all types and sizes look to self-funding as the solution to the rising cost of health care? Find out in this white paper from the Self-Insurance Educational Foundation.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Self-Funded Health Plans

The Voices of Self Funding


Join in on the conversation with host Ramesh Kumar, CEO and Co-Founder of zakipoint Health, as he interviews key self-funding experts and dives deep into impactful topics and perspectives surrounding the self-funding industry.

For: Brokers, Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: Self-Funded Health Plans

Transit/Parking Flexible Spending Account (FSA) FAQ


Is a work carpool eligible for tax-free reimbursement? What documentation do I need to submit a claim and is the cost of gas to and from work covered? Get answers to all these questions and more in our transit/parking FSA FAQ.

For: Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: FSA, Transit/Parking

TrueCost Plan Overview


Get more information about how TrueCost works to reimburse health care providers at an appropriate amount and how to make sure your doctor accepts the plan.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: Reference-Based Pricing, Self-Funded Health Plans, TrueCost

TrueCost Plan Overview for New Hire Out of Area Members


This document provides an overview of the TrueCost plan for new hires in areas where there are no direct hospital contracts.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: TrueCost

TrueCost Plan Overview for New Hire Out of Area Members – Spanish


This document provides an overview of the TrueCost plan for new hires in areas where there are no direct hospital contracts.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: TrueCost

TrueCost Plan Overview for Out of Area Members


This document provides an overview of the TrueCost Plan for members in areas where there are no direct hospital contracts.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: TrueCost

TrueCost Plan Overview for Out of Area Members – Spanish


This document provides an overview of the TrueCost Plan for members in areas where there are no direct hospital contracts.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: TrueCost

TrueCost Reference-Based Pricing Plan Brochure


Learn more about the benefits employers, employees and health care providers can experience with transparent and fair reimbursement.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Reference-Based Pricing, TrueCost

What Employers Need to Know About Behavioral and Telehealth Services


Behavioral telehealth services offer employees and employers many benefits beyond cost savings and improved outcomes. Read about them and more in this article.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Behavioral Telehealth

What is TrueCost?


Watch this video to learn more about TrueCost.

For: Brokers, Employers, Members

Product/Service/Topic: Reference-Based Pricing, Self-Funded Health Plans, TrueCost

Why Self-Funding?


Find out how self-funded health plans can offer your company several benefits, such as improved cost-savings, benefits flexibility and more.

For: Brokers, Employers

Product/Service/Topic: Self-Funded Health Plans

Wondering if your doctors accept the TrueCost Plan?


Watch this video to learn how to check if your doctors accept the TrueCost Plan.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: TrueCost

Wondering if your doctors accept the TrueCost Plan? (Spanish)


Watch this video to learn how to check if your doctors accept the TrueCost Plan.

For: Members

Product/Service/Topic: TrueCost

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